Think Myself Happy


How you think has an impact on your feelings and behaviors. Many times people say they can not control how they think, they think what they think. But the truth of the matter is we can control what and how we think. When we take authority over them we change how we feel and how we act.

There was this woman who talked with me about her negative self-talk. She admitted to having a hard time applying the scripture “Take every thought captive,” which is a often quoted verse in the Bible. However, there is more to that verse. It actually says:

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” —2 Corinthians 10:5

The first part is to challenge thoughts and take captive the ones that go against what God says. In her case, she struggled as she had a difficult time believing what God said about her. She felt guilty and anxious about disappointing God and then felt guilty and anxious about her feelings. It was a self-destructive cycle she had a hard time getting out of. 

So, I suggested the verse in the NKJV Acts 26:2, “I think myself happy, King Agrippa, because today I shall answer for myself before you concerning all the things of which I am accused by the Jews.” 

I think myself happy! Here Paul is standing in front of king Agrippa, who could punish him for all the things he was accused of, and he was demolishing those arguments because he knew they were against the knowledge of God. He was offering his defense for the things he was accused of. Can you imagine the confidence Paul had with his Christ identity?  

As difficult as it was and still is, this woman started a brand with Acts 26:2 and is spreading the gospel through merchandise to remind people to Think Happy. See this website  

If you have not already, please download the REST guide and if you want a more detailed worksheet look for it on the website.  


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